5 Great ways to start your day

Set yourself up for success

Preparation is key! Have your outfit ready, your lunch packed, your gym bag, purse and anything else you need by the door. Remove the need to think in the morning, get up and let your muscle memory take over and get you out the door. No more last-minute decisions, frantic searches or grumpy partners.

Set yourself a motivating alarm

When the alarm blares you just want to make it stop, hit snooze as fast as possible and lay there until it blasts again. What if you actually enjoyed the sound of your alarm? Sure, you could pick your favourite song, and RUIN it forevermore!

We recommend starting each day with a different podcast alarm. With Podcast Alarm you can select whatever kind of podcast you’re into as your morning alarm. Instead of hitting snooze, dozing off again and feeling worse, you can actually listen to something interesting.

Let the light in

Natural sun light is the most important signal to your brain that it’s time to get up. We all know how much harder it is to go to work in the morning when it’s still dark at winter – GRIM! So, while the sun is shining make the most of it and let the light seep into your bedroom – you’ll feel better for it. You might find yourself waking up earlier too, allowing you to get a head start on your day and be more productive throughout it. Plus, with your circadian rhythm in good shape you should find it easier to get to sleep at night!

Hit the gym

This is one of our favourite things to do in the morning at Podcast Alarm (and you can listen to a podcast while you’re at it). You can go into work smug in the knowledge that you’ve already hit your apple watch exercise goal. No better feeling!

A start at the gym will have you feeling good about yourself all day, you’ve already achieved something, while everyone else is still waking up at their desk over coffee. This will encourage you to keep up healthy choices throughout the day.

Stay off social media

It’s easy to lose track of time scrolling through Reddit or be distracted by countless group chats. We are constantly connected now, obligated to reply as soon as the Whatsapp read receipt has been received. Suddenly as soon as we wake up and look at our devices our heads are filled with so much more information and clutter. Try to set your phone in aside in the morning and use this time to focus on yourself and what you want to get out of your day.

Waking up with a podcast on iOS

Podcast Alarm is a fully featured podcast player and alarm. You can set up queues of your favourite episodes and listen to them whenever you like. Why not subscribe to your favourite podcast and have the latest episode wake you up every weekday morning. There are lots of screenshots and videos in our "How to set a podcast as an alarm on iphone?" blog post.

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Jonathan Wilson

by Jonathan Wilson

October 02, 2019

Podcast Alarm

Wake up inspired

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